The Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS)

The Royal Aeronautical Society is a British multi-disciplinary professional institution, it was originally known as The Aeronautical Society of Great Britain.

Established in 1866, the RAeS is the oldest Aeronautical society in the world and it has been at the forefront of developments in Aerospace, seeking to promote the highest professional standards and provide a central forum for sharing knowledge.

In 2016, the RAeS celebrated its 150th anniversary and members took the opportunity to celebrate achievement and excellence within the aeronautics community, and to look ahead to the next 50 years of innovation in aerospace.
More info: A short history of RAeS

The RAeS has over 25,000 members and has become an international, multidisciplinary professional institution dedicated to the global aerospace community. The RAeS maintains its global recognition through its diverse and international Membership.

In addition to its UK based branches, the Society maintains a number of international branches across the globe, including major hubs of industry in Europe and North America, and several other prominent regions of aviation activity in the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region.

The Royal Aeronautical Society TOULOUSE BRANCH

The RAeS Toulouse Branch was formed 32 years ago. Since 1991, the branch main objective is to share knowledge and inspire new generations.
The Toulouse branch currently has around 150 members subscribed.
Speakers from different part of the Aerospace domain are invited to give lectures once a month starting from September of the calendar year until June of the following year. Lectures are held at Airbus Blagnac.
Other events are organized to support the Aerospace and Space sector such as the Student Mini-Lecture Competition, the Annual Dinner, Cool Aeronautics, company visits…

There is a place in membership for anyone interested in the aeronautical or aerospace sector.

Meet the RAeS Toulouse Branch Board

President: John Harrison; FRAeS
Chairman: Hugh Dibley, FRAeS
Hon Secretary: Bernard Mattos, FRAeS
Treasurer: Nikhil Chanani
Membership Secretary: Veronica Paddock, AMRAeS
Events, Marketing & Communications: Gisela Bonnaud

