
Cool Aeronautics

Cool Aeronautics is the Royal Aeronautical Society’s primary school outreach programme that aims to introduce children to the fascinating worFamily ld and people of flying, aerospace engineering, and space.

These events represent a crucial part of the RAeS Toulouse Branch’s efforts to provide a ‘through-life’ approach to its outreach and careers activities. In particular, Cool Aeronautics embodies the RAeS’ aim to ‘promote aerospace and aviation to a new generation’.

The Royal Aeronautical Society Toulouse Branch launched its first Cool Aeronautics Event in 2022!

A fantastic and successful event held on 15th September 2022 at the Auditorium of the International School of Toulouse.

This first Cool Aeronautics event was a Lecture & Interactive Workshop “Airbus Engineering – Making the Big Birds Fly”given by  presented by Airbus Engineering teams Jagoda Worotynska, Maelle Mansuy Albert, Celia Ekoule, Frederic Barrois and Jean-Bernard Bena.

More than 100 pupils of Grade 4 & 5 classes (CM1/CM2) of the International School of Toulouse and Kaleidoscope Bilingual School.
Special thanks to Ms Carolyn Steinson, Principal of IST for hosting this awesome event and Ms Sandrine Bevan, Principal of Kaleidoscope for organizing the pupils transport to the Auditorium.

The Next Cool Aeronautics event will be held in 2025.


Family Christmas Lecture

The Royal Aeronautical Society Toulouse organized a Family Christmas Lecture in 2019

The Family Christmas lecture was organized to offer children aged 5-15 and their parents an interactive session, demonstrating what happens to aircraft when struck by natural forces.

✈️ 13 Decembre 2019 – Interactive Family Christmas Lecture “Thunderbolts & Lightning – Are They Really Frightening?” presented by Rhys Phillips, Electromagnetism Scientist, Airbus Central R&T.
Special thanks to Mrs Carolyn Steinson, Principal of The IST – International School of Toulouse, for providing the Auditorium.

The Interactive Family Christmas lecture programme: